Constitution and By-Laws

Constitution and By-laws of

Little Hopewell Baptist Church 


We, the members of Hopewell Road Baptist Church of Dunlap, TN in order to promote parliamentary procedures, to encourage orderly Christian conduct, to ensure congregational rule, and to enhance love and tranquility in our meetings, do establish and adopt this constitution as the basic rule of our Church. 

Article 1. Articles of Our Faith

1. We believe in the infallible, verbal inspiration of the whole Bible (Authorized King James Bible) and that the Bible is the all-sufficient rule of all faith and practice. 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Psalms 119:160, 1 Peter 1:10-12, 2 Peter 1:20-21

2. We believe in the personal triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Matthew 28:19,  1 John 5:7-8, 1 Peter 1:2, 1 Corinthians 8:6

3. We believe man was created in the image of God, lived in innocency until he fell by voluntary transgression from his sinless state, the result being that all mankind are sinners. Genesis 2:16-17, Romans 3:20-24, Psalms 5:15, Romans 5:12

4. We believe sinners are saved by grace alone through faith. Romans 4:16, Galatians 3: 15-16, Ephesians 3:8-9,  Ephesians 2:5, 2 Timothy 1:9, Titus 3:5

5. We believe men are justified (without the deeds of the law- works) in the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5:1-2,  Hebrews 12:2, Hebrews 5:9

6. We believe salvation is free to all who will accept the gospel. John 3:15-17, Romans 10:9-10, Acts 2:21, Titus 2:11 

7. We believe except a man be renewed (born again) by the Holy Spirit, he is not qualified for the Kingdom of God on earth, or to enjoy his glory hereafter. John 3:3, 1 Corinthians 15:50, 1 Peter 1:3, 2 Corinthians 5:17

8. We believe repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ are duties of everyone who has hears the gospel. Acts 20:21, Acts 3:19, 2 Peter 3:19, Acts 17:30-31

9. We believe election is the eternal purpose of God, by which he graciously regenerates, sanctifies, and saves the sinner through faith in Christ. 1 Peter 1:2, 2 Peter 1:3, Romans 8:29

10. We believe sanctification begins in regeneration and is ever progressive and is the process by which we are made partakers of God’s holiness. 2 Peter 1:3-8, 2 Thessalonians 2:13, Hebrews 10:14-17 

11. We believe in the preservation of the saints; they are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation. 1 Peter 1:3, John 3:36, John 5:24, John 10:27-30, 1 Thessalonians 5:23

12. We believe God’s law is the only eternal and unchangeable rule of his Church and his moral government. Each church is an independent, self-governing, and no other ecclesiastical body may exercise authority over it.  Matthew 7:12, Matthew 5:43-48, Matthew 18:21-23, Ephesian 3:21 

13. We believe a Church of our Christ is a body (congregation) of baptized believers, united in faith and fellowship in the gospel, observing the ordinances and obeying the laws of Christ. Matthew 28:29, Acts 2:46-47, 1 Corinthians 12:13-14   

14. We believe Christian baptism is the immersion in water of a believer in Christ; by a qualified administrator by authority of the church, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Matthew 3:13-17, Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 8:36-38

15. We believe only those who have been properly baptized in water and received into fellowship of a regularly organized church should partake of the Lord’s supper.  Acts 2: 44-46, 1 Corinthians 11:23-34, Matthew 26:17-30

16. We believe the Lord’s day of Christian Sabbath should be devoutly observed and devoted to religious service. Hebrews 10:25, Mark 2:27-28 

17. We believe civil government is of divine appointment and the governors should be obeyed when the laws they set to enforce are not in conflict with the gospel or God’s commandments. Matthew 22:17-21, 1 Peter 2:13-17, 1 Timothy 2:1-3

18. We believe in a future resurrection of the dead: the righteous into everlasting life, the wicked into an everlasting hell. Daniel 12:2, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, 2 Corinthians 5:8 

19. We believe in a final judgment, when the righteous and the wicked will be separated forever. Revelation 20, Matthew 25:31-46 

20. We believe the righteous will be made happy forever in heaven and the wicked will be made miserable forever in hell. Revelation 21

21. We believe in the Genesis account of creation. Genesis 1 – 11

22. We believe that marriage has only one meaning and marriage is a sanctioned decree of God given unto man. Marriage is the union of one man to one woman. We recognize no other form or definition of marriage. Genesis 2:20-25, Matthew 19: 4-6, Mark 10:6-9, Ephesians 5:22-33, 1 Peter 3:1-7

23. We believe in the virgin birth, sinless humanity, and deity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Matthew 1:18-20, 2 Corinthians 1:19 & 21, 1 Peter 2:22, John 10:30, John 1:1 & 14

24. We believe there are two divinely appointed offices in a church- pastors and deacons. These offices are to be filled by men whose qualifications are met by the scriptures. 1 Timothy and Titus

Article 2. Church Covenant

Having been led, as we believe by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and, on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ. 

We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expense of the church, the relief of poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.

We also engaged to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and an exemplary in our deportment; to avoid all tattling, backbiting, and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale of, and use of, intoxicating drinks as a beverage; to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior; to abstain from sexual immorality such as adultery, fornication, pornography, same sex unions, and all other such immoralities. 

We further engaged to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember one another in prayer; to aid one another in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feelings and Christian courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Savior to secure it without delay. 

We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s word.

Church By-Laws

Article 3. Character 

Policy – The governor of this church is vested in the body of believers who composed it. This church shall be an independent, missionary-minded church, and shall never become affiliated with any form of organized religion. It recognizes other churches of like faith and belief as sister churches. It is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body. No religious, local, state, or federal governmental force can dictate to this church on how it is to meet or has any rights over it. We serve God, not man. 

Doctrine – This church receives the scriptures as its authority in matters of faith and practice.

Article 4. Membership

1. Receiving Members- Members coming into this church can only be received by unanimous vote of this church. This church shall receive members into the body the following ways:

  1. Upon their profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, as a candidate of baptism, and agreeing to abide by these by-laws and this constitution.   
  2. Upon certification by letter from other Baptist churches of like faith and practice. Showing they are in good standing and agreeing to abide by these by-laws and this constitution.
  3. Those who, because of circumstances beyond their control, are unable to get a letter, but who can give a satisfactory statement of their experience of grace, baptism, and according to this constitution.

2. Active Membership- Only active members of Hopewell Road Baptist Church may vote on any business of the church. An inactive member is defined as one who is absent four Sundays in succession without a reasonable excuse.

3. Dismission of Members- Dismission of members from our fellowship shall be as follows; (A) by death, (B) by letter of recommendation to churches of like faith and order, (C) by dismission. When a member becomes an offense to the church and its good name by reason of immoral and unchristian conduct, or by a persistent breach of its covenant vows, or non-support of the church financially, or by their absence (unless providentially hindered). First, one must go to the member in private to correct conduct. Second, go to member with two or three other members to correct conduct. Lastly, after faithful efforts to bring such member to repentance and an amendment has tried to have been made, then at a regular scheduled business meeting the church may, by a majority vote, remove said member from the roll of the church. The member will be invited and allowed to testify for their self at this meeting. 

4. Restoration of Membership- Any persons whose membership has been terminated for any offense may be restored by majority vote of the church, upon evidence of their repentance and reformation, or if on account of their continued absence and non-support, upon satisfactory explanation of the cause.

Article 5. Church Officers 

The officers of this church shall be as follows:

  1. Pastor – A pastor shall be chosen and called by the church whenever a vacancy occurs. His election shall be taken at a meeting called for that purpose after at least one-week public notice from the pulpit. Whenever a vacancy occurs, a pulpit committee shall be appointed by the church to seek out a suitable pastor and their recommendation shall constitute a nomination. Any member has a right to make a nomination, if said nominee has first read and agreed to the provisions of this constitution and its by-laws. The committee shall bring to the consideration of the church only one man at a time. The election shall be by ballot and the nominee must receive a vote of ¾ (75%) of those voting to call or elect. A pastor-elect shall serve until the relationship is terminated by; (1) Mutual consent, (2) Withdrawal, (3) Failure to remain in said position, when directed by the church in the majority vote. The vote must be preceded by a written statement to the church in a regular business session indicating that it is their conviction that the relationship of the pastor is to be terminated. If such a statement be approved by a majority of those present and voting, then this issue shall then be presented for vote to the whole church at a special called meeting for that purpose. A one-week advance notice of this meeting shall be given from the pulpit. If a majority at this meeting vote to terminate the relationship for the welfare of the church, the relationship is ended, and a new pastor can be called.
  2. Deacons – Deacons shall be elected and ordained by the church. They shall be nominated by the deacon body of the church and elected by the church in a regular business meeting of the church and set aside for ordination. One so ordained must meet spiritual requirements and be in accord with this constitution, its by-laws, and articles of faith. 
  3. Clerk – A clerk shall be elected by vote of the church, and to keep a register of the names of the members with dates of their admission and baptism, and their dismissal or death. The clerk shall issue letters of dismissal when voted by the church and shall keep a permanent record of all business conducted by the church.
  4. Treasurer – A treasurer shall be elected by vote of the church. The duty of the treasurer shall be to receive, preserve, and payout money received by the church, but only as instructed and directed by the church. The treasurer shall keep a permanent record of all finances and shall make a regular monthly report to the church.
  5. Trustees – The Board of Trustees shall be elected by the church. The term of office shall be for one year. A trustee may be re-elected to additional terms if the church desires to do so or the church may desire to use staggered terms. The trustees will be responsible for all legal and physical properties.
  6. Directors – The church may, as the need arises, elect such officers or directors of departments or committees to carry on the affairs of the church and its auxiliaries. These shall be selected by a nominating committee and elected by the church. The church will define the duties of such officers or directors as may be selected. The term of officers will run concurrent with the Sunday school year. 
  • Each officer of Hopewell Road Baptist Church must be a member and agree to abide by the by-laws and constitution. All officers shall exhibit brotherly love and cooperate with one another. 

Article 6. Meetings of the Church 

1. Public services shall be held on the Lord’s Day and on Wednesday of each week.

2. The Lord’s Supper shall be celebrated at such time as a church may determine.

3. Occasional religious meetings may be appointed by the pastor at his discretion or by a vote of the church.

4. At any of the regular meetings for worship, the church may, with that special notice, act upon the reception of members or the dismission of members when requested by letter from sister churches, but cannot act upon other business. Any other business meeting shall be discussed and voted on at the regular business meetings.

5. Special business meetings may be called by the pastor, when requested by the deacons, trustees, or an outstanding committee. The call will be made from the pulpit and the purpose of the meeting being stated in the call. At such called meetings only the purpose stated in the call may be discussed.

6. The annual meeting of the church shall be held as a regular monthly business meeting in the month of October. At this time the annual reports shall be presented and officers elected. Such other big business may be conducted as may be authorized in the by-laws.

7. At the annual and all business meetings, 50% of active members must be present to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a small number may adjourn the meeting to a regular business meeting. 

8. Regular business meetings will be held monthly. All business of the church will be discussed during this meeting and congregational rule will be held by majority vote on each item of business. Only an ordained officer can conduct such meetings unless a moderator pro temp can be assigned by ¾ majority vote. All business should be conducted in peace and harmony. 

Article 7. Amendments

This constitution and accompanying by-laws may be amended by 2/3 vote of those members present and voting. At the annual meeting of the church, or at a special call meeting for that purpose, the proposed amendment being set forth in writing in the call; but no changes in the covenant or character of the church without one month prior notice to the church of the change. Any changes must be presented in writing to the church at the business meeting prior to the date or time of the proposed action. This proposal shall be read from the pulpit on the next Lord’s Day succeeding the proposal.